New Ofcom regulations simplify switching broadband providers
No longer will consumers be faced with “confusing” processes to change broadband providers under new Ofcom regulations.
No longer will consumers be faced with “confusing” processes to change broadband providers under new Ofcom regulations.
Vodafone UK has announced a major network investment across Basingstoke and Swindon, bringing stronger indoor and outdoor coverage and mobile internet services across its 3G and 4G networks. The multi-million pound investment across the town will extend 3G and 4G mobile coverage to more than 98% of Swindon and Basingstoke’s population.
In an announcement earlier this month, Ofcom approved the application for a national three-digit number to be used in emergencies to contact electrical companies.
In light of the heart-wrenching events that took place in Tunisia on Friday the 26th June, both our channel partners O2 and Vodafone have pledged to reimburse any additional costs incurred by customers whilst contacting friends or family.
Whilst many where basking in the sunshine enjoying their well earned rest from the working week, ten colleagues from cellular solutions completed their 265km charity bike ride by cycling into the historic town of Poitiers.
Starting on 3rd June, eleven colleagues from cellular solutions will embark upon the most ambitious leg of the charity bike ride to the south of France yet attempted. Covering a staggering 260km in three days (which is almost the same as three back to back London to Brighton’s) they start in Orleans Thursday, facing a gruelling 70mile first day they finish eventually on Saturday in Poitiers.